Covid-19 Pandemic: Create a More Hopeful Life

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope: Create a More Hopeful Life No Matter What’s Going On

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

While the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting our daily routines with changes here at home and around the globe such as; self-isolation, quarantine and social distancing, it’s comforting to know that amongst the ambiguity, there are still moments of strength and hope that showcase the flexibility, that people share in times like these that will help us get through this together.

You can easily get lonely. Self-isolation can cause more anxiety, which in turn leads to weakened immune systems, and these inspiring moments can help you feel a little less lonely and a little more hopeful.

Has despair become a regular spectre in your life? Are you being haunted by negativity and paralyzed by a lack of motivation to reach your goals? Why would you think of your goals when the future is not even clear?

Are you feeling like you’re never going to catch up, much less get ahead? Perhaps you are facing something you prayed you’d never have to and finding a way forward seems impossible.

What you need is hope so you can hang on through this rough time like this Pandemic. Hope is the expectation that good things can happen and then sets about to make sure they do. Hope is the motivation that puts you on the path toward turning your life around. To help you get started, below are five ways you can create a more hopeful life starting now.

Do a daily check-in.

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

How are you feeling? If you’re not feeling hopeful, then it’s time to ask yourself why. Take the time to journal about your feelings and allow yourself to look deeply at what is causing your despair. After you’ve gotten your worries and fears on paper, decide on one thing can you do now to experience a glimmer of hope? Do it!

Positively deal with your health.

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

The rules are simple. Eat right. Exercise. Sleep enough hours at night. It’s time for rest—the positive result of quarantine and social distancing is you can stay home and spend time with your family and rest.

When you’re not taking care of yourself, and you don’t feel well, it’s easy to fall into a spiral of depression and self-doubt. It’s when you feel great physically that hope thrives. What do you need to do to bring back hope then?

Know how to deal with stress.

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

There are a lot of simple ways to process negative emotions. Exercise, meditation, or taking some special “you” time by having a massage or taking a bubble bath can do wonders to boost hopefulness—

You can all do this at the safety of your home.

Surround yourself with hope.

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

Have positive people in your life. That may require you to say goodbye to some friends who bring you down, but it will be worth it. When you start focusing on all the good in your life, hope will naturally rebound. Because we are the combination of the five people we spend the most time with, it’s imperative we replace the sad-sacks in our lives with people who live life to the fullest.

Put the focus outside of yourself.

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

Ask how you can instil hope in the world around you? Pay it forward. Give compliments. Perform random acts of kindness. By acting in a hopeful manner, you wind up giving hope to those around you, who in turn share that hope with the world around them. The best way to ensure hopefulness is to share it with others.


7 Places to Find Hope

Covid-19 Pandemic Hope

Without hope, we struggle to make even the smallest headway towards our dreams. When the worst happens, we need hope more than ever. However, that seems to be in short supply when we need it most. If you are struggling to believe that your life can be good and happy again, take heart. There are several places to find the inspiration needed to rekindle hope in your heart.

In Action

If you have a goal but don’t seem to be moving ahead on it, you can find hope in taking action. Despair and depression are born of inaction. The longer you put off making a move on your goal, the less hopeful you will feel about ever attaining it. Once you take that first small step, your fear will subside, and you’ll experience the feeling of hope once again.

In Others

Opening up to others, telling them your feelings and letting them know your needs enables them to likewise reach out to you. Our brains are wired to crave connection with our tribe, and when we allow that connection to take hold, our tribe can inspire us and offer hope in a limitless number of ways.

In Giving Hope to Others

When you share your time, energy, and resources with the world around you, you become the hope in the lives of other people. Spreading hope is one sure way to guarantee it’s around when you need it.

In That Small, Still Voice

By listening to your intuition and follow its guidance, you will discover hope in unexpected places. Even if what your gut is telling you seems impossible, go with it. You will find hope at the end of where it leads you.

In Saying Goodbye to Old Baggage

By letting go of the negative influences in your life and the things that hold you back, you leave room for hope to grow in its place. That includes everything from decluttering objects that no longer give you joy, to finally put an end to relationships that leave you drained and broken. Once you let go, you’ll feel lighter and more hopeful than ever before about the future.

In New Knowledge

When you are always ready to learn something new, you open yourself up to possibilities you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. This process shows you what you’re capable of and guides you toward a future you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Hope hides in every lesson learned.

In the World Around You

Look to the people who are doing great things, who are bringing positive action and change to the world. These are the people who give hope by just doing what they can to make the world a better place. Take inspiration from them. What can you do today to improve the world so that tomorrow everything looks brighter?




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